Le 28 August 2006, par Jeff,
Powerpoint presentations corresponding to seminars. Obviously they contain more figures (photos, in particular) than the published papers. On the other hand, they are generally less "clean" than a peer-reviewed paper.
Also, please note that some of the presentations are relatively old, and reflect only what was then the “state-of-the-art”.
Yes, it’s in French. Presented in Clermont-Ferrand (France), January 2006. A (very) shortened version of it was presented at the Penrose conference in Lander (WY), June 2006.
Essentially corresponds to the basic data for the “Nature” paper.
Presented in Canada (Sudbury and Saint-Johns), February 2002. Elements of it were presented at the 2004 EGU (in Nice), 2004 AGU (in Montréal), 2004 Geocongress (in Johannesbourg).
More or less reflects the content of the AGU (2006) paper
Presented in Bonn (Germany), October 2002.
This is one of the latest presentation I gave on the Closepet granite (and my PhD material), and the most complete. Many elements of it where presented at various conferences from 1997 to 2001, and were published in several papers.
Presented in Copenhagen (Denmark), October 2002.
A slightly outdated presentation, reflecting the content of the Geology (2002) paper. Compare with the “amphibolite melting” presentation of 2005.