Liste de publications Publication list

Le 25 août 2006, par Jeff,

Articles publiés :

  1. Moyen, J.-F., Martin, H., et Jayananda, M., 1997. Origine du granite fini-archéen de Closepet (Inde du Sud) : apports de la modélisation géochimique du comportement des éléments en trace. C.R.Acad.Sci., Paris, 325 :659—664.
  2. Jayananda, M., Moyen, J.-F., Martin, H., Peucat, J.-J., Auvray, B., et Mahabaleswar, B., 2000. Late Archaean (2550–2520 Ma) juvenile magmatism in the Eastern Dharwar craton, southern India : constraints from geochronology, Nd-Sr isotopes and whole rock geochemistry. Precamb.Res. 99 :225—254
  3. Moyen, J.-F., Martin, H., et Jayananda, M., 2001. The Closepet granite (S.India) multi-elements geochemical modelling of Crust-Mantle interactions during late-Archaean crustal growth. Precamb.Res., 112 :87—105.
  4. Moyen, J.-F., Nédélec, A., Martin, H. et Jayananda, M., 2001. Contrasted granite emplacement modes within an oblique crustal section : the Closepet granite, South India. Phys.Chem.Earth, 26 4-5 :295—301.
  5. Martin, H. et Moyen, J.-F., 2002. Secular changes in TTG composition as markers of the progressive cooling of the Earth. Geology, 30 :319—322.
  6. Moyen, J.-F., Nédélec, A., Martin, H., Jayananda, M., et Mahabaleswar, B., 2003. Syn-tectonic granite emplacement at all structural levels : the Closepet granite, South India. J.Struct.Geol., 25/4 :611–631.
  7. Moyen, J.-F. , Martin, H., Jayananda, M. et Auvray, B., 2003. Late-Archaean gra-nites  : a typology based on the Dharwar Craton (India). Precamb.Res., 127 :103–123.
  8. Moyen, J.-F. , Martin, H., Jayananda, M., Mahabaleswar, B. et Auvray, B., 2003. From the roots to the roof of a granite : the Closepet granite, South India. J.Geol.Soc.India, 62-6 :753-768.
  9. Martin, H., Smithies, R.H., Rapp, R., Moyen, J.-F., et Champion, D., 2005. An over-view of adakite, TTG and sanukitoid : relationships and some implications for crustal evolution. Lithos, 79-1/2 :1–24.
  10. Steenfelt, A., Garde, A.A., et Moyen, J.-F., 2005. Mantle wedge involvement in the petrogenesis of Archaean grey gneisses in West Greenland. Lithos, 79-1/2:207-228.
  11. Moyen, J.-F. et Stevens, G., 2006. Experimental constraints on TTG petrogenesis : implications for Archaean geodynamics. In “Archaean geodynamics and environments”, AGU monographs n. 164, K. Benn, K.C. Condie and J.-C. Mareschal eds. Chapter 10, pp. 149–175.
  12. Moyen, J.-F., Stevens, G. and Kisters, A., 2006. Record of mid-Archaean subduction from metamorphism in the Barberton terrain, South Africa. Nature, 442(7102) :559-562
  13. Moyen, J.-F., et Watt, G.R, 2006. Geology, geochemistry and deformation of supracrustal and granitic rocks NE of Kangaatsiaq : pre-nagssugtoqidian crustal evolution in the NNO. Bulletin of the Geological Survey of Greenland, 11:33-52.
  14. Stevens, G., Villaros, A., et Moyen, J.-F., 2007. Selective peritectic garnet entrainment as the origin of geochemical diversity in S-type granites. Geology 1:9-12.
  15. Solgadi, F., Moyen, J.-F., Vanderhaeghe, O., Sawyer, E. and Reisberg, L., 2007. The role of crustal anatexis and mantle-derived magmas in the genesis of synorogenic hercynian granites of the Livradois area, french Massif Central. Canadian Mineralogist 45:581-606.

Sous presse

  1. Moyen, J.-F., Stevens, G., Kisters, A.F.M. and Belcher, R.W. TTG plutons of the Barberton granitoid-greenstone terrain, South Africa. In Earth’s Oldest Rocks, Developments in Precambrian Geology, Elsevier. M.J. Van Kranendonk, R. Hugh Smithies, and Vickie Bennett eds. In press.
  2. Moyen, J.-F. and G. Stevens (submitted). Metamorphism in the Barberton Granite Greenstone Terrain : a record of Earth’s earliest accretionary orogen. in : Earth’s Oldest Rocks. Developments in Precambrian Geology, Elsevier. M.J. Van Kranendonk, R. Hugh Smithies, and Vickie Bennett eds. in press.


  1. . Villaros, A., Moyen, J.-F., Ledru, P. and Gardien, V. in preparation. Contrasted beha- viour of ortho- and paragneisses during regional anatexis : the Argentera-Mercantour external cristalline Massif.
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