Curriculum Vitae (EN)

[Cet article existe aussi en français]

Le 25 August 2006, par Jeff,

Latest update: July 2010


Married, three children

Adress :

Paper mail:

Département de géologie, Faculté des Sciences

Université Jean Monnet

23 rue du Docteur Michelon

42023 Saint-Etienne Cedex


Ph. (+33) 4 77 48 15 10, fax (+33) 4 77 48 51 08

E-mail : or

Languages :

French ; English (fluent) ; Afrikaans, German (elements)

Studies and jobs :

1992—1996 : Student at Ecole Normale Supérieure (Paris).

1993—1994 : “Licence” and “Maîtrise” (3rd and 4th year, equiv. BSC.Hons.) in Earth Sciences, ENS Paris.

1995 : “ Agrégation des Sciences de la Vie et de la Terre” (French diploma for secondary school teachers).

1995—1996 : D.E.A. (equiv. Master) “processus magmatiques et métamorphiques ; volcanologie” Université Blaise Pascal (Clermont-Ferrand II).

1996—2000 : PhD in petrology and geochemistry and “ moniteur” (Part-time junior lecturer).

Subjet : “Granitic magmatism at the Archaean–Proterozoic boundary : exemple of the South Indian Dharwar Craton”.

Supervisor : Prof. Hervé Martin, Université Blaise Pascal, Clermont-Ferrand.

2000—2001 : Junior engineer, BRGM (French Geological Survey), Réunion island (French Indian Ocean). Working on natural hazards

2001—2002 : “Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche (A.T.E.R.)” (equiv. lecturer) Université Henri-Poincaré, Nancy I.

2002—2003 : “Attaché Temporaire d’Enseignement et de Recherche (A.T.E.R.)” Université Claude-Bernard, Lyon I.

2003—2006: Post-doc, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, South Africa. Advisor : Prof. Gary Stevens

2006—2009: Lecturer (Igneous Petrology), Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Afrique du Sud.

2009: Senior Lecturer, Universiteit van Stellenbosch, Afrique du Sud.

Present situation:

Present: “Professeur” (Associate Professor), Université Jean-Monnet, Saint-Etienne and UMR 6524 "Magmas et volcans"

Research interests :

  • Formation and evolution of the continental crust, Archaean to present ; crustal evolution in convergent plate boundaries ; geochemistry of the Archaean continental crust ;
  • Partial melting of amphibolites ; genesis of TTG magmas and interactions with the mantle wedge (“sanukitoids”) ;
  • Geochemical modelling of plutonic systems ;
  • Archaean geodynamics ; structure and metamorphic evolution of Archaean “orogenies” ; onset of plate tectonics.

Publications and reports :

  • 27 papers published or submitted in international journals, several in preparation (see list) ;
  • 59 communications and posters in national and international meetings ;
  • Reports for BRGM (“Cartographie réglementaire des risques sur la commune de Cilaos” ; etc.) ;
  • Contribution to geological maps (central West Greenland, Geological Survey of Greenland — GEUS).

Other academic roles :

  • Regular reviewer for Precambrian Research, Lithos, Journal of Geology, Geology, Journal of Petrology, Gondwana Research, Journal of the Geological Society of India, etc. (5-6 per year);
  • Member of organizing committee, VI th Hutton conference on granitic rocks (Stellenbosch, July 2007); Session chairman and Guest editor.

Main projects and collaborations :

  • Petrological and structural evolution of the South Indian Archaean crust : French-Indian collaboration (IFCPAR, projet nb 1111-1, 1997—2001 and 2307-1, 2001— 2003) ;
  • Mapping and study of the Northern Nagssugtoqidian Orogeny, Lower Proterozoic, West Greenland : 6-weeks field mission with GEUS (Geological Survey of Greenland) (summer 2002) ;
  • Several collaborations about Hercynian granites in the French Massif Central.
  • Research on the evolution of Barberton mountain land, south Africa (NRF grant 384297 “Mid-crustal (. . .) accretionary tectonic processes in the Barberton granite-greenstone terrane” (prof. A.Kisters) and GUN2053698 “Scrutinizing crustal anatexis” (prof. G. Stevens))
  • Member of the Center for Crustal Petrology (NRF “Research Niche Area”; Profs. Clemens, Stevens, Kisters. Dr. Moyen). Total budget ca. 10 000 000 R / 5 years.

Grants as Principal Investigator:

  • Stellenbosch University “Sub-comitee B” grant. R 32 000 /annuum, 2007 and 2008.
  • Special funding (Vice-rector funds), Stellenbosch University. R 66 000 (2007).
  • NRF-CNRS travel grant for French—South African collaboration. R 154 150, 2007 and 2008.

Teaching :

  • more than 50 days of field trips (preparation, organisation, etc.).
  • first and second years (“Classes préparatoires”, Clermont–Ferrand, France ; “DEUG”, Nancy, France ; “Geology 144 — Introduction to Earth sciences”, University of Stel-lenbosch, South Africa) ;
  • third and fourth years (french “licence” and “maîtrise” ; “Geology 314 — Igneous pe-trology”, University of Stellenbosch, South Africa) ; "Structural geology" and "geodynamics", Saint-Etienne, France.
  • initial formation of future secondary school teachers (“agrégation”) ; Courses taught :
  • Igneous petrology
  • Regional and structural geology, mapping, cross-sections, etc.
  • Geodynamics, orogenic processes, thermal evolution of orogenic belts.
  • General geology including paleoclimates, etc.
  • Geophysics, structure of the Earth.

Supervision of students :

  • 4th year : 10 students (Maîtrise (France), Honours (Stellenbosch), M1 (France) );
  • 5e année : 8 students (DEA/MSc/M2R);
  • Thèse : 4 co-supervised (Stellenbosch, Rennes, Clermont); one "full" starting Sep. 2010.

Books and teaching material :

–* co-author of Biology/Geology text books for “lycée” (secondary school, grades 11 and 12) (Belin publishers, 2000—2001 and 2001—2002) : 6 chapters total, on Earth internal structure and convergent plate boundaries ; –* web pages and documents for “Planet-Terre”

  • Geological trips for french visitors (high school teachers mostly) in the Northern part of South Africa; Feb. 2007, Feb. 2008, Nov. 2008 (2 weeks each time).
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Curriculum Vitae (EN)
Research orientations

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